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The Real Question.....

Is it enough already?

What is the one question which we all need to ask once to our self and that is –When is it enough?
When is it enough for us? Enough is when we have the sufficient amount to live our life peacefully. But for most of us just having enough isn’t enough. People works hard, putting their soul and heart, just to manage to get enough for them. But in the struggle of getting what one needs, one forgets when to stop.

One after another, constantly wanting things, desiring needs, which are not necessary but seem so important for a moment. People are grabbing things like a drowning man to a slab of wood, hastily and without any thinking. This constant need of things after things makes the man greedy and ultimately leads to regretful ending. Now-a-days, our lives revolve around this constant desire. And it is never ending. Once we get something, the satisfaction of getting it makes us to get more of it and yet more and more. We don’t realise when we should stop and when is the point when it all comes back and stab us.

Although, some people understand  the fact that one should stop when it is enough. But the number of those people is reducing. Everyone is  so embezzled by the greed and the desire, that  they cannot see the reality and the true reasons of happiness. Speaking of happiness, i have always heard people say that getting more and more things makes them happy or gives them happiness. And I am not supporting the phrases like, “money can’t buy love” or “happiness doesn’t comes with money”, but I am also not saying that they are true. Sometimes, we get happiness if we buy or get something and its ok to feel satisfied if you have something. But connecting greed with happiness is just a way of people to cover and justify their deeds.

Again I am not saying that one should not get something or buy something which they want, but all I am saying is that we should know the point when it is enough. Because the more and more we desire things, it creates a impact on our characteristics and also impacts us is different ways which we realise later in life and which makes us regret later. If you have resources then well and good, go ahead and get whateber you need. But if one doesn’t have the resources still craves for things which are beyond their capabilities, then it is a problem. And also those who have the resources to get everything they want, should also know the limit and when they should stop.

So always ask yourself when is it enough?


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