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Whether to do it or not?


A choice can become your epitome of character or become a disgrace of your life forever. The power of a choice is often realized when we use it and regret it later. Choice is the most important part of the life. The person we are directs the kind of choices we make. We easily categories the different types of people by just looking at the choices they make. One should not solely choose depending on what their heart says or what might look better, because there can be options which can be best.

Choices depend on options and options are created by us. And we are often biased towards those options which are delusive and attractive. Hence, choosing the wrong options as most of the times the most attractive options are the wrong ones. We have to be more careful, and it’s not about the options we have it’s all about how we see any situation. A person can make mistakes by choosing what is wrong but that person has the potential in himself to change the decision he made. Everyone has the power within themselves, given the opportunity and trust, trust that they can bring the change in their life and make things right. But we tend to lose all hopes from the person who does or takes a wrong step. You have to step up take the responsibility of what you did and work hard to make the wrong the right. We all do mistakes and the facts is not unknown to all of us, but what we don’t know is that we all make wrong choices and mistakes but very few try to revert it, and even fewer than that get the opportunity to do it.

A person, who always takes the right choices all the time, doesn’t exist. They are fictional and irrational thoughts created by people. Perfect decisions making in every optional situations is difficult, but can be done in some cases if paid attention. Choices are created to facilitate our well-being and sufficiency of options. The more the choices the more difficult it is to lead a life normally. That’s why there has to be a perfect balance of options we have and the choices we make. It’s not always the people who have the problem but the choices they have make in certain places creates an bad impressions of that person. The options can never be according to us humans, but the choice we make are within our reach. We should be careful before choosing an option in life.
I believe that all of us should give another chance to people who makes wrong choices and regret those. Equally we all are deserving of one chance after a bad choice of options.  


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