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The secret of success !


Since the first word ever spoken by manm the communication has evolved with the same pace as a man. Communication is nothing but expressing or conveying ones thoughts and feelings to one or many other, it can be in various forms. Communications is like that unsung hero in every life situation. Communication can be helpful or devastating depending on the different situations. It interesting how communication can affect your daily life or professional life and in either of them communication plays the most important role. Communication consists of several components and the precise combination of these components helps you to achieve success in the respective field. A lot can be read over books and internet about effective communication and one can even get a certification for being a better communicator. i have too learned about communication and its aspects but what we don’t get to know by our education system is how it effects our life as in any relationship.

I wanted to know what was the mistake I was making in my relationship, and found out that communication holds the most vital position in making a relationship a successful one. Then I looked for answers as to how communication in a relationship can be improved or how it affects a relationship and all what I got was just one message in various words, that - communication should be two way not one way and lack of communication leads to a disruptive relationship. According to me, a relationship is based on trust, as we all know, but the underlying fact that we all miss out is that only trust isn’t enough, we need to have a good communication system. Based on my personal experience, there has to be a good communication system amongst both the person in any relationship. 

What makes communication so important? How does communication affect your relationship? Psychologists suggest that communication makes one aware of the other persons thoughts making both people stay on the same page. Relationship are built only if two people are of same thought process and are able to understand each other.  A relationship comes with acceptance, acceptance comes with understanding, and understanding comes with proper communication.  This is the line which nobody told me, it comes down to the edge of broken relationship when you where you went wrong and you start looking for these stuff. If you have been in a similar position then it will be easy for you to connect, if not then it may be just another topic which might come handy in the life ahead. But mark my words for I have seen those days where I wanted to have a conversation with the significant other but that person was not there because I myself pushed that person away. Coming back to the topic in hand, communication is just as important as oxygen to us, humans. Even if we can’t see it, we can’t live without it.

I just want you all to realize that, though sometimes you may come to a point in life where you may consider not talking to anybody or not communicating with anybody as it may seem worthless, but the solution can only be found when to try to find it. If we don’t communicate our thoughts, emotions and feelings properly then we are abandoning our ability to socialize.  A small conversation changes lives. Proper communication keeps away most of the problems in life. Hence, it is important that a man must know how, what, when, and where to communicate.


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