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Why some standout but others don't?


Communication and body language comes hand-in-hand. Body language, as what we know, is just the tip of an iceberg, there is lot more than what just meets the eye. We don’t realise that body language is that non-verbal form of communication which not only speaks for us, but sometimes it portray more than just mere words. Body language can be an effective tool for one who knows about it. We all know a little about it, but little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. A charming personality comes from the way that person carries himself. Carrying oneself is nothing but the body language.

Different regions of the world have different perceptions about each body language. Body language can be categorised into three major sections-the arms, the head and the legs body language. I must tell you that no one should believe a person on the first meet just because they have a good body language. A person can fake body language, but those people can’t hold their own personality in for too long. These kind of people are very conscious about their behaviour and how they portray themselves. And it is wise to not to judge a book by just it’s cover, and in simple words body language is the key to a nice personality but not all honest in portraying themselves.

Talking about body language, it is necessary that we all should understand one thing that nody language is inherent and cannot be acquired over time, it can be polished with practise but cannot be inculcated at point in time. If someone tries to learn the aspects of body language to change his/her personality than  it might work for few days, but a time will surely come when they will return back to their normal self. And it is not hard to make out who is “bluffing” and who is honest. There are exceptions to this statement as well, sometimes there are people who have created a fake fauna of themselves, any scammers, cons, etc, can be put into this exception case. I heard somewhere that, a great con never takes your money, we tend to give it to them. We are so mesmerised by the charm and the personality that we believe every word that comes out from their mouth. So what makes them so good? It the way they carry themselves, nothing else but, body language. And thus teaching us that great body language can build confidence, which is very essential. Like any other great power, it can also be misused and hence beware.

At last I would I like to say that body language depicts a lot about you and must be polished like any other skill you have. The way you behave is the way you are perceived by others.


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